This week, State Representative Linda Chaney visited and toured the PARC Adult Day Training and Employment programs. Representative Chaney presented the organization with a check representing the 1.5-million-dollar appropriation awarded to PARC Center for Disabilities.
This appropriation will cover expenses related to PARC's Adult Community Life Skills Inclusion Center for Employment Training. PARC works in collaboration with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Florida Department of Education State Plan to prepare potential employees for the workforce and fulfill the needs of employers.
The priority is to remove barriers with a focus on inclusion of all individuals seeking opportunity. PARC has capacity for 250 to 400 participants to experience opportunities of employment training and obtain community employment.
Each individual receives these services in a true work environment that is accepted by industry standards. PARC aligns with partners to prepare in areas of financial literacy, customized employment and other life skills supports.
The St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce is proud of the services and resources that PARC Center for Disabilities provides our community. The workforce development programs provide not only impactful training to individuals but also have a valued economic impact to companies in our city.
We are happy to support these efforts and look forward to the forthcoming capital improvements and increased capacity of the program.